1. My day starts better when my car starts.
2. I will make many, many mistakes and the best thing to do it admit fault and ask for forgiveness. I learned that I want to get things right the first time, and as a friend said to me, "that makes me suffer." Humph.
3. I am still not over something I thought I was over.
4. Though I do not want to admit this, I think I am still a control freak (despite years of trying to be more open-minded and flexible).
5. When I hug people, they are nice to me.
6. One person at the hub of an institution can shift the whole organization's energy profoundly. (That one is for you Lorene Rider).
7. Amanda Powell's voice still makes me swoon even though I have heard it hundreds of times.
8. Ergo, some things are just like that. Like today's tree green. April 25th green. It gets me every time.
9. Kids respond equally to gentleness and excitement.
10. Ten year olds can run faster than the first flight of the Wright Brothers' Flyer.
11. And they really like proving they can.
12. My classroom is not really suited for Book Pad.
13. We are all doing the best we can.
14. Mark Yasenchack seems really into what he is doing -- as if he is doing it for the first time even if it is not the first time -- which innately draws others into the experience.
15. People read my writing and, because I have a certain level of authenticity in it, they "like me" but what they may really be pulled towards is not me, but the rawness. The vulnerability. That is, actually, what we all ache for.
16. I like making people smile.
17. Kids love good writing. Love to read it out loud, laugh about it, write about it, talk about. The best way to make a kid smarter is to give a kid a great book. Teachers are almost unnecessary.
18. "Thank you" goes a long way.
19. Nate Berkus is the featured designer at Target these days. I like Nate, but, surprisingly I'm not so fond of his home decor.
20. Pillows are still $4.04 at Target. You know how disposable the world has become? Well, I'm like that with pillows. It kind of makes me ashamed. It's a secret vice. KInd of like the same way I use chemicals on my lawn. I know I am not supposed to, but, damn it, I like it all green.
21. I saw a kid find keys at the doorway to Target, pick them up and chase down a woman who was walking to her car. He did a great things on his own with no encouragement. It was so cool to see. But, when he got back inside Target, his father yelled at him for not keeping up. Really yelled at him. I wonder how many things we miss in life because we just are not paying attention.
22. Mad Men, season six, is not living up to my high expectations. If the reviewers want to call Don Draper "a modern existentialist," they ought to meet some of my friends.
23. I like that, right now, I am baking my neighbor's muffins. I like having that kind of relationship with my family next door.
24. Mothers walk around with Lego swords and breast pads in their pockets.
25. Breast pads make good pot holders.
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