- 25 years.
- 4625 days.
- 41,625 hours.
- 3150 students.
- 5300.5 parents.
- 3515 recesses.
- 1615 kickball games.
- 3203 wall ball games.
- 17 computers
- Copies made = I can't even imagine
- 5 electric pencil sharpeners burned out.
- 38,765 emails received.
- About the same sent.
- 4 different classrooms.
- Number of comfortable chairs to work from = 1 (and I just got it 17 days ago)
- 73 colleagues.
- 73 family members, brothers and sisters, cousins, mothers and fathers.
- Marriages of staff members over all of those years = More than the divorces
- Children born to staff members while they worked at Fernway = More than grandchildren (but it's getting closer and closer the longer I stay)
- Times I have hung out in office like it was a living room = 2112
- Number of Oreos I have gotten from Mrs. Rider = 1320
- Days that completely changed my life because of the way my friends treated me with profound kindness = March 17, 2007 and February 17, 2008.
- Fairy Tale Trials = 63
- Number of Fairy Tale Trials I can still remember = 2 (this year's)
- Flight projects I have graded = 300, this year's were particularly fascinating.
- Time we have cracked up when acting out Echo and Narcissus myth = every time.
- Post-it notes put into The Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler =1720
- Times I have said, "Show me you are listening" = Way too many
- Times I have used my teacher face on children in stores = at least 100, but probably many more (and, I've even used it on people I love, which, universally, frightens them)
- Mediators = 625
- Times I have cracked up with Adrain Lewis and Claudia McCord during mediation try-outs = 420
- Lunches spent eating with mediators = 1800
- Games of hangman with the mediators = 1616
- 14 poetry plays.
- 15,680 poems read.
- Number of times I have cried while directing the poetry play = every year but one (it was too hot in the gym to cry)
- Sick days accrued = 284
- Number of days I took because I was sort of sick, but mostly needed to be home to save my sanity = 1 a year, maybe two. And in 2010, three (it was a hard year).
- 4 principals.
- Minutes spent talking with principals = 304,420 and, not naming names, there's even one that trails me to the bathroom. (But he's working on that).
- 19 retreats led.
- Number of stupid games I made the staff do at those retreats = too many, but I don't care.
- Nickname = 1 (Reiny)
- Times I have fallen in or around school = 4, counting the time I flew down the stairs. Literally.
- Times I have sung the words "I am proud of Fernway, Is Fernway proud of me" = at least 470
- IB meetings = 8 billion, give or take
- Minutes spent typing during IB meetings = 480 billion
- Times I wish I had believed my mother when she said, "You really ought to learn to touch type." = at least once a day
- Number of times I doubted the worth of IB to our students or teaching staff = 0
- Mistakes made = 9250, at least
- Thoughts of giving up = 1280
- Number of times I have been really serious about that = 3
- Years it took me to be good at what I do = way more than I imagined
- Times during each day that I am awed by the hard work of my colleagues = at least 6 or 7
- Days I am completely blown away by the generous grace and abundant talents of children = 4625, see above
- Times I have thanked God for letting me be a teacher = too many to count
- Nights I go to sleep tired = every, including tonight
Thank you, FE, for being a home to me.
YOU are such a large part of what makes Fernway home to so many. Thank you. xo